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Barking From Greene, New York

Updated: Oct 31, 2022

Welcome to RAVH Bark Blog!

Your newest source for information regarding your pets.

I'm Dr. Liv at Roman Acres Veterinary Hospital. If you've had an appointment with me, you know that I love to share information about veterinary medicine and how it applies to your pets! While I'd love to spend an entire day chatting with each client about topics ranging from general care to local medical trends we are seeing, I figured it might be helpful to jot it all down in one easy-to-read spot.

Me with Roman, the namesake of the hospital, a few years back.

I believe in tailoring treatment plans and recommendations to the individual pet based off of collaborative discussions with pet owners. It's important that we both have all the information we need!

Grab Some Popcorn, Watch a Video!

Lets be honest - sometimes, I toss a lot your way in one appointment. In an attempt to help you recap it all, I'll be recording a few short videos with information about common topics we discuss each day, such as recommended vaccination, parasite prevention, lyme disease, and even the process of euthanasia. We'll toss these videos up on this blog and include them on our social media for you to review when you want it.

Barking For You, Not At You

At the end of the day, this blog is meant to help you to care for your furry family, so what do you want to know?

Send us an email at with the subject "Blog Questions" then subscribe so you don't miss our answer!

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