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New Feline Visits

Bringing home a new cat is an exciting time, but is also a commitment to a furry family member. Cats can provide great stress relief and fun, but also require a lot of time, enrichment, and research to be sure you're providing the best care for your new friend. We're here to help you understand the ins and outs of cat ownership!

Preparing for Your Visit

One of the best tidbits I've ever been given is that cats are not small dogs. In context, they were referring to medicine, but in this instance I'm referring to transportation. Everyone loves the idea of a cat on a leash, but the logistics aren't as sound as one would hope. Even a well-fitted harness isn't guaranteed to keep your cat contained - in fact, most cats are capable of squishing down and wiggling out of most tight spaces, so a flexible lead is hardly a safe way to transport your cat. We recommend cats come in sealed carriers designed for them - no cardboard boxes, laundry baskets, pillow cases, or crock pots (we've seen it all, folks!). I also do not recommend carrying your cat in without any sort of confinement. Cats are skittish and scare very easily. Even the most docile cat is only one loud noise away from bolting off across the parking lot. With busy roads and thick forests around, a loose cat can be very difficult and dangerous to track down. To avoid such risks, a cat carrier supported from the bottom when carrying them is the best way to get a cat into the clinic.

For tips on training your cat to be comfortable in the carrier, Click Here

If you know that your cat has fear of traveling or fear at the vet hospital, let us know ahead of time! Using calming products such as Feliway can help many cats. If that isn't enough and we've seen them within the last year, we can often prescribe medications to help them feel more calm during the trip and appointment.

What to Bring to Your Appointment

Vaccination Recommendations

Viral Testing

Spay and Neuter

Parasite Prevention

Senior Pets

Still have questions about visits with your cat? Give us a call at 607-656-4285 and we'll be happy to help!

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